2η Ετήσια Έκδοση Ambassadors Club of Eben
2 GREEK CHAPTER EBEN EUROPE Our mission is to promote ethics and excellence in businesses, to increase awareness about ethical challenges in the global market¬place and to enable dialogue on the role of business in society. "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful" Samuel Johnson The European Business Ethics Network supports initiatives at cross-European, National and regional levels with main activities: • EBEN Annual Conference: hosted by a national team this conference brings together academics and practitioners around a central theme. • EBEN Research Conference: build around a central theme and aimed at academics in particular, this conference presents recent research or research in progress. It allows business ethicists from all fields to interchange their scientific work. • EBEN Doctoral Workshop: aimed at those undertaking a PhDs in business ethics this yearly event usually precedes the annual conference. • EBEN Interest Groups: Within EBEN several interest groups concentrate on one specific topic (e.g. SRI, CSR in SME’s etc.). These interest groups organise all kinds of activities open to everybody. EBEN's Excecutive Committee (ExCom) consists of 6 members: • Geert Demuijnck - president • Jacob Dahl Rendtorff • Yves Fassin • Pedro Francés-Gomez • Eberhard Schnebel • Marjo Siltaoja Ε ΝΩΣΗ Π ΤΥΧΙΟΥΧΩΝ Π ΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΛΟΓΩΝ Ε ΛΛΑΔΑΣ Ε ΝΩΣΗ Π ΤΥΧΙΟΥΧΩΝ Π ΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΛΟΓΩΝ Ε ΛΛΑΔΑΣ ΤΑ ΜΕΛΗ ΤΟΥ ACE ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΙ ΠΟΥ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΕΧΟΥΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΟΥΕΛΕΓΧΟΥ ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN THE BOOKLET MEMBERS OF ACE INTERNALAUDITDEPARTMENT
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